Spirituality can be defined in different ways.
For some people, spirituality is linked to religion, for others it is something entirely separate.
But what is the same for everyone is the end result that everyone wants to achieve.
It is mainly about connecting to divine energy or the Universe, raising your own vibration, living with more confidence, finding peace and contentment within yourself and in the world.
For some, it may also refer to spells, because they want to practice magic.
Of course, you must first open your heart, forget old programs and patterns, and try to put your thoughts in order.
The methods to do this are also numerous and you can choose the ones that suit you best.
Spirituality, as a form of self-development, is a process, a journey in which one can constantly move forward or backward.
But the most important thing is not to give up!
It’s important to be honest with ourselves about where we are and what else we could do moving forward.
It may also happen that you are happy with where you are at the moment and want to stay there.
Although it rarely happens, it is possible.
Here are the seven levels of spirituality and their meaning:
1. The Terrestrial Level
This is the lowest level where people still wonder what spirituality really is.
They don’t know what certain events in their lives mean.
Unfortunately, people can stay at this level for the rest of their lives.
1. The Terrestrial Level
This is the lowest level where people still wonder what spirituality really is.
They don’t know what certain events in their lives mean.
Unfortunately, people can stay at this level for the rest of their lives.
This mainly happens when they have absolutely no motivation to further develop or delve into the topic.
These people are so immersed in everyday life and the material world that they see nothing different, bigger, more beautiful than anything else.
2. The Fool
This level can be defined as the first level of awakening.
It can start when we first experience something that shocks and excites us at the same time.
usually something happens that inspires the person to do research, seek knowledge, and ask for it.
These events that happen to us at this level are mostly difficult because we learn the most from these experiences.
First and foremost about ourselves, then about others and finally about life.
3. The Magician
At this level of spirituality, you have already found some explanations, learned more about nature and its laws.
For example, you have experienced some strange situations like:
- One of your dreams has come true.
- You see synchronicities such as the same numbers repeating themselves, or you can anticipate what someone is about to say.
What also often happens at this level is that you care more about nature, animals and other people.
But there are some difficulties here: not all people around you understand you.
Maybe you’re distracted, more lost in thought.
You read or write more about it, but your daily usual tasks may be forgotten.
That’s why you think all this is bad for you, but it’s not.
You will soon see results.
4. The Apprentice
Perhaps the most important enlightenment here is that we don’t pay too much attention to the opinions of others.
These are no longer the most important to us and we no longer base our lives on them.
Instead, we have our own priorities and we work on them.
At that time, we are much happier with ourselves and our lives.
When we depend on others and their opinions, we cannot live a truly fulfilled life.
Our Higher Self calls us and we feel that we should continue to learn.
At this level of consciousness, we know how energies and universal laws work.
We can then try to use them to our advantage.
Difficulties that may arise are:
- We want to isolate ourselves from others or seek a mentor.
- Our daily tasks and work become more and more difficult for us.
At this point, it is important to overcome these challenges and move forward without taking big, extreme measures.
5. The Seeker
At this level, you are aware of how little we generally know and are always striving to learn more.
Maybe you want to buy more books or more things you need to develop your magic.
, your magic and besides energy are becoming more and more powerful and you can feel it.
What is even more noticeable: others will tell you that you shine.
People who are a little more sensitive will feel your aura.
People with a similar worldview will be attracted to you.
This can also happen: spirits or entities from other worlds or other dimensions will give you different signs.
They will even try to contact you!
These are all very good indicators of your vibration and consciousness.
At this point, you will also notice that you are not particularly interested in the material world.
6. Absence of Material
This is a serious level!
When you are in this phase, you use your magic, energy and knowledge to heal yourself, avoid bad things, people and events and visit other dimensions.
You can achieve anything you want, but remain merciful and patient.
Most importantly, you become a teacher, a mentor, a guide to others who need relief, enlightenment, or help.
You are constantly receiving messages and guidance from the Universe, spirits, angels and your Higher Self.
Of course, you should only use your skills for good.
But at this point it’s hard to deviate anyway.
Now you are enlightened and you know what is good and what is bad.
7. The Teacher
Just like the phoenix animal, you have gone through thick and thin to become the beautiful being you are today.
This is of course the last and most powerful level of spirituality that you are aware of.
You can work miracles and you do everything you can to make this world a better, healthier and brighter place.
With divine power and your guardian angel, you are completely aligned and now you are also helping others who want to follow your path.
In short, a new master is born!
People will trust you and you will live in perfect alignment with your new role.
Where are you on this scale?
No matter what happens, you should have a mission in the world.
It doesn’t matter what it may be connected to.
Since eternity, I have felt that my mission was to teach people, to help them through my knowledge, to inspire them and last but not least to spread good energy.
We always need it and especially lately!
When there is good energy, vibration and thought, we can do anything!
I hope that you will continue your personal development after reading this text.