The 11 Colors and their spiritual meaning: their magical power

Behind the colors of the color wheel lies a special spiritual meaning.

Indeed, depending on the power or effect you are looking for, you must choose the symbolic color that corresponds.

Together we will discover what the color of force is.

We are going to find out what the color of health is.

And little by little, we will analyze the symbolism of all the colors.

Every day, we are surrounded by hundreds of colors, without really realizing it.

Indeed, we are so accustomed to a colorful world that we would be shocked to see all these palettes disappear.

Depending on your culture, each color has a unique spiritual meaning.

So, if you want to attract positive vibes into your life, you need to choose the right color to wear.

Moreover, if you are an avid reader of our page , you know that the colors of the rainbow are also linked to the seven chakras.

Thus, spiritual people grant each color, a chakra, an aura, a stone, a planet and a state of mind.

As a reminder, the colors of the chakras are:

  • Root: red
  • Sacred: orange
  • Solar plexus: yellow
  • Heart: green
  • Throat: blue
  • Third eye: purple
  • Crown: white

Today, we talk about eleven main colors of the color wheel and their spiritual meaning.

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1. Spiritual meaning of black: the color of power

You’ve often heard that black isn’t really a color on the color wheel.

In fact, because it absorbs all color waves, black is said to be an absence of color.

However, we classify this nuance as such.

Black is the color of mourning, hatred, mystery and power.

There is a misconception that black is a sad color that brings to mind fear, death and inner emptiness.

But it’s not that simple, it’s also the color of elegance and luxury.

When you always want to be fashionable or sophisticated, wear black!

Negative spiritual meaning: loneliness

Positive spiritual meaning: modernity

In reality, black represents purity and creation, which is why it is linked to humility.

When you wear this color, you show your determination and creativity.

Which is important to delve into your own unknown, your hidden inner self.

2. Spiritual meaning of gray: the color of knowledge

Like black, gray is not a color on the color wheel.

We call it light intensity!

The symbolism behind this color is rarely positive.

Indeed, it is associated with old age and mediocrity.

A person who wears a lot of gray is believed to be hiding unhealthy secrets.

Gray is neutral, but it tends to dampen the mood!

Thus, it recalls sadness, boredom and melancholy.

What may be strange is that gray is the symbol of the future.

Indeed, it is the balance between white and black, which gives it softness, but also seriousness.

Finally, gray is mainly linked to knowledge, hence the expression ‘gray matter’.

Negative spiritual meaning: monotony

Positive spiritual meaning: excellence

When you wear gray, you come across as someone who has a lot of knowledge, someone who is intelligent.

So why not test it during your next job interview?

3. Spiritual meaning of brown: the color of comfort

This color is extremely used, particularly for interior decoration.

Personally, I hate brown!

Moreover, the symbolism of this color is not glorious: dirt, laziness, vulgarity and ugliness.

When you choose to wear brown, you come across as old-fashioned and tasteless.

However, one can also find a positive spiritual meaning in brown.

After all, we find it everywhere around us: the chocolate we love or the house that keeps us warm.

This color is therefore also reassuring and solid: we feel safe.

Like the color green, it recalls nature, Mother Earth.

Ultimately, brown is an in-between color: neither sad nor happy.

It is therefore absolute neutrality!

Negative spiritual meaning: poverty

Positive spiritual meaning: protection

There are different shades of brown, which is why there is a spiritual meaning for each of them:

  • Beige: modesty
  • Dark brown: selfishness
  • Chocolate brown: jealousy
  • Light brown: peace

4. Spiritual meaning of green: the color of harmony

Obviously, the color green recalls nature, the balance of essences, fertility and growth.

Many positive symbols are linked to this shade of cold colors such as hope and renewal.

In short, the color green is like a spring breeze that refreshes you and makes you smile.

When you wear this shade, you feel at peace with yourself and toned.

The color green calms your stress, which is why many interior designers recommend it for your bedroom.

Thanks to green you can concentrate on your work and your creativity, but you can also relax.

Unfortunately, there is always a less glorious symbolism: the color green is associated with jealousy.

Negative Spiritual Meaning: Lie

Positive spiritual meaning: growth

Ultimately, the color green is the very essence of life.

It gives you the energy, luck and love you need to succeed.

5. Spiritual meaning of blue: the color of wisdom

Numerous surveys have been carried out to find out what the French people’s favorite color is.

And bingo, the color blue is in first place!

It is also one of the cold colors.

This is not surprising since this color is the symbol of trust, security and dreams.

If you want to know all the symbolism of this nuance, we will spend the night there.

So I’m going to give you a quick list of the different meanings:

  • kindness
  • loyalty
  • honesty
  • communication
  • awareness
  • infinity

Of course, we cannot forget to note that the blue color is reminiscent of the fearless ocean and the grandiose sky.

So when you need to relax, you can wear blue.

This color almost forces you to delve into your soul to discover who you really are and to achieve a feeling of harmony.

Negative spiritual meaning of the color blue: depression

Positive spiritual meaning of the color blue: loyalty

Let’s not forget that a few centuries ago, blue was reserved for royalty.

This is why he still keeps this idea of ​​nobility and abundance.

6. Spiritual meaning of purple: the color of gentleness

This is a unique and strange color, it’s actually my favorite!

Nostalgia, mystery and enigma hide behind the symbolism of this color.

Other qualities of purple that can be considered positive and negative are: ambition, sexuality and fantasy.

Purple is the perfect color for meditation since it is directly linked to the spiritual world.

His wisdom and peace are all you need to achieve inner peace.

In some cultures, the color purple is also associated with the afterlife and loneliness.

Negative spiritual meaning: melancholy

Positive spiritual meaning: delicacy

If you need to spark your imagination or creativity, surround yourself with purple.

Moreover, it is a color that is useful to all people who have insomnia or discipline problems.

7. Spiritual meaning of pink: the color of tenderness

When you think of pink, what do you think of?

Obviously, femininity, beauty, tenderness and sweetness.

By nature, it is a color associated with women and all their enchanting qualities.

Often, we also associate this color with the innocence of youth.

The symbolism of this color is linked to calm, but many people hate it.

A few days ago, the Barbie movie came out and the color pink was everywhere!

However, this nuance is often considered sexist.

Negative spiritual meaning of the color pink: happiness

Positive spiritual meaning of the color pink: naivety

It is not recommended to wear pink for a work interview.

But when you have a first date or a night out with your friends, it can be a good choice.

8. Spiritual meaning of red: the color of passion

As you know, the color red is linked to passion, sexuality and danger.

Its symbolism is also hidden in danger, anger and war.

For better or worse, hell is associated with this color, so if you like living in extremes, choose this color.

Power is of course linked to the color red, but it is not the color of strength.

It is more the color of power and triumph.

So it’s not about emotional or physical strength, but rather character traits that help you to be courageous.

Negative spiritual meaning of the color red: provocation

Positive spiritual meaning of the color red: courage

Red is the color of blood, it recalls every beat of your heart.

It’s what makes you live and move forward, it’s your innate life force.

When you wear red, you convey a flirtatious feeling of seduction.

9. Spiritual Meaning of Orange: The Color of Creativity

This color is special because few people appreciate it, even if it has extraordinary qualities.

The color orange is the color of change, transformation and extravagance.

It is also known for its almost magical antidepressant effect.

For example, when you go to a spa, you may notice a lot of orange candles and dim lights.

This is intended to calm you down!

The color orange is that of happiness and joy, which is the basis of your creativity.

If you’re in a relationship, orange is the color of infidelity.

Negative spiritual meaning of the color orange: lie

Positive spiritual meaning of the color orange: optimism

It is rare to have a good impression of people who wear this color.

In fact, you immediately have the feeling that they are hiding something from you or that they are not being faithful and sincere.

So, do you like the color orange?

10. Spiritual meaning of yellow: the color of strength

This may surprise you, but the color yellow is indeed the color of strength.

I know that when you see this shade, you are immediately happy, positive and optimistic.

It imbues you with confidence and creativity.

Yellow radiates with all its brilliance and if you wear this color, you feel your inner strength.

Indeed, this positive energy that fills you is what makes yellow, the color of strength.

Many think it’s red or black, but that’s not the case!

Unfortunately, there are also negative symbolisms associated with yellow.

People who wear them are believed to be greedy, lying, and not entirely clear in their minds.

Negative spiritual meaning of the color yellow: deception

Positive spiritual meaning of the color yellow: power

The golden yellow is reminiscent of the sunrise, it’s like an indication for a new beginning.

This color is extremely spiritual and is your great ally in reaching your higher being.

By wearing this color, you are ready to face all adversities.

11. Spiritual meaning of white: the color of purity

White is the beginning of everything, it is purity, virginity, innocence and peace.

There is nothing calmer and cleaner than white.

In spirituality, this color represents the divine and infinite wisdom.

For example, brides wear a white dress to show their purity.

Even if I want to laugh at this custom.

In the monotheistic religion, white erases guilt.

Negative Spiritual Meaning: Emptiness

Positive spiritual meaning: purity

Your soul is the most precious thing you have.

However, white is what allows you to connect to your Inner Self, your own unconditional love.

When you wear white, you exude honesty, joy of life and inner strength.

It is also an elegant color that gives you a certain social status.

About Author

Hi I am Milon, obsessed with Spirituality and write articles about Spiritual meaning, Dream Meaning, life way, and many more. I mostly publish article's on information and meaning of things from bible and more.

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