Some Powerful Prayers To Get Pregnant

A couple’s desire to expand their family is a beautiful desire, but it can be a painful experience for couples who are having difficulty conceiving.

In this novena, we place this desire and all its corresponding difficult and emotional moments in the hands of God. A prayer to get pregnant cannot harm you, so why not try your luck by asking the divine universe for help?

THE Prayer To Get Pregnant To Repeat Once A Day

“You are the God of my fertility. I pray and I have faith in your word. Please plant a seed in my belly, Lord Jesus Christ. Not just any seed, but a holy and wholesome seed from God.

You said to go forth and be fruitful. So God, I ask you today to open my womb so that I can give birth to a child and even children.

Just as You opened Sarah’s womb after so many years, I believe You are doing and will do the same today. I have faith that You will keep Your promises to Your children.

I know that You will quench my desire. Lord, when Hannah was childless, you gave her a son after she prayed to you. You heard his plea. And today I know that my prayer will not be in vain before You, but that it will be heard and answered.

Lord, just as you remember Rachel and she conceived, hear the prayers of me and my family. Give me the opportunity to conceive and bear a child.

You said ask, and it will be given. On this day, I ask for fertility in my mother’s womb. I break the spirit of barrenness, and I oppose any attack from the enemy to prevent my pregnancy. Amen. »

Get rid of everything that’s blocking you in life with these beautiful deliverance prayers

5 Miraculous Prayers For Fertility Grace

  1. “Almighty God,
    hear the deepest prayer of our hearts,
    that a child may be ours.
    Help us to believe –
    even as we struggle with doubt,
    even when months pass with nothing,
    even when darkness threatens our joy –
    that your promise of love to us
    remains faithful and good and true. »
  2. 2. “God of hope,
    hold our childhood dreams
    in your loving hands.
    Fill our hearts with hope,
    and lift up our eyes to look towards you.
    When worries creep into our thoughts,
    let your light chase away all fear. »
  3. 3. “Loving God,
    help us to trust when times are hard,
    that this journey will bring us closer to you,
    no matter where our road turns or ends.
    Bless our dreams of family,
    and draw us closer to love
    as we wait in joyful hope
    for a child to lovingly welcome.
  4. God of faith, hope and love,
    your will be done.
  5. 4. “Heavenly Father, I come to You today and always Your loving servant to ask You to be able to conceive a baby. This is an award I will cherish for the rest of my life.
  6. I thank You for the blessings I have and for the blessing I am about to receive. I believe in the name of Jesus and I do not take it for granted. I love You Lord with all my heart and I know that I am neither abandoned nor forgotten. Amen. »
  7. 5. “Heavenly Father, I come before You in humility so that You may bless this effort with health and strength. I ask You to bless my body so that it will be healthy and strong to conceive one of Your children.
  8. I humbly ask to be a vessel for one of Your children to come to this Earth and enjoy the blessings of Your kingdom. As I conceive, bless my womb and body so that they can accept, nourish and grow a beautiful child for You.

This I humbly pray in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen. »

8 Prayers For Couples Hoping To Conceive A Child

1. “In the name of the Father, of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.


Lord, God of life, we come to you in hope, with openness to your plans for us and our family.

We do not cling to the new life, seeking to have children by means beyond your control. We know you care about us and we do not despair. Rather, we humbly place the conception of our child in Your hands, recognizing You as the Giver of the gift of life.

Remember us as you remembered Sarah and Abraham (Gen. 16-17), blessing them in their infertility, so that the world would recognize your divine role in the conception of their son, Isaac, who would have descendants more numerous than the stars, the Israelite people.

Grant us peace during this time of uncertainty, that we may be confident in Your constant care and love for us.

Amen. »

2. “God, I know that you see into my heart, and that you see every anxious thought in my head. I pray that you will enable my body to conceive and give my little ones the health and strength they need to grow.

I pray that you will help me trust in you through this process and comfort me when things don’t go my way. When my world seems to be falling apart, help me look up to you.

Be my comfort in difficult times and times of sadness. I believe you are always with me, even in this difficult season. In the name of Jesus and through Jesus Christ, Amen. »

3. “Dear Father of our Lord Jesus Christ,

I pray to you with all my heart that the pregnancy test will be positive and that I will be free from the pain of infertility. As a loving servant and child of God, I ask you in Jesus’ name to help us with our fertility issues and bless our family with our first baby.

I know that everything will come in due time, and I trust in your creative power to send good news to our family. Amen. »

4. “Most holy Mother, hear the cries of my heart at this moment. Blessed Virgin, I want to be fertile, but I haven’t been blessed with fertility yet. Grant me fertility over my life and put an end to my suffering.

Help me to make myself a fruitful vine in my house; my children will be like olive branches around my table.

Mother of Mercy, I know that I was not created to be sterile, but your Son created me to be effective in everything I do. I know that my fertile season will come according to your Son’s timing. Amen. »

5. “Dear God of goodness and grace, hold us close to you. We are sad and hopeful, anxious and excited, eagerly awaiting the moment of conception. May it be Your will that our child’s life begins soon.

Choose the best of both of us to form a new soul. Place her gently in my belly, where I will care for and protect the precious gift of life I am about to receive. Amen. »

6. “Father, we thank You that children are the inheritance of the Lord, and that the fruit of the womb is His reward.

Children are Your idea, Father; You thought about children, family and home. You established the family in the Garden of Eden. You ordered the children; You commanded them when You said to Adam and Eve: ‘Be fruitful and multiply.’

You said that the barren womb is never satisfied. Lord, the Word declares that I am wonderfully and fearfully made by You; therefore, I am perfect and capable of conceiving and bearing children.

Please give me the opportunity to realize this blessing and use this magical gift to create my own family. »

7. “Lord, I am heartbroken over my inability to conceive. Whether it’s due to infertility or a lack of connection, I long to become a parent. You know this about me, and you put this desire in my heart, so I ask you to make it come true or remove it.

Comfort me and guide me into a deeper relationship with you. I ask for your peace to ease the agony in my heart. You are my Heavenly Father, so take me in your arms and comfort me. Hear my prayers and answer me. In the name of Jesus, Amen. »

8. “Lord, I don’t know what your will is for me. Even when life is hard, I want to follow you. Even when I’m disappointed, I believe that you are good and that you only do good. I ask for your blessing on my life. Give me a destiny that exceeds my greatest dreams.

Expand my territory. Make me a craftsman of life, even if I am not training a child of my own. I trust that whatever design you have for my life will exceed my goals and aspirations.

God, use me to love others and lead them to you. And if it is your will, give me a child whose destiny I will also place in your hands. I wait for your blessings. You are great and powerful, and nothing is too difficult for you. In the name of Jesus, Amen. »


If you are struggling with infertility in your relationship, a prayer to get pregnant won’t hurt. You can use these beautiful prayers to ask for help if you and your spouse have not been able to conceive a child. 

Or if you and your partner have conceived children in the past, but are having difficulty conceiving another child. You can also take inspiration from these beautiful novenas if you are looking for answers to your fertility problems.

Additionally, you can also pray for the grace of fertility for someone you know who is struggling with fertility issues.

About Author

Hi I am Milon, obsessed with Spirituality and write articles about Spiritual meaning, Dream Meaning, life way, and many more. I mostly publish article's on information and meaning of things from bible and more.

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