72 Messages for someone who ignores you: make a loved one react

A message for someone who is ignoring you is a last attempt to save your relationship.

It could be a romantic relationship, a friendship or a family bond that is being undermined.

Indeed, when you find yourself in a situation where you want to resolve a problem with a loved one or simply get news, if you don’t have a contact person, it becomes unmanageable.

On the one hand, you want to make an effort to break the endless cycle of arguments and misunderstandings.

Unfortunately, you can’t do anything if you’re the only person working toward improvement.

This is a tricky thing to maneuver because you care about this individual and you want him/her to be part of your future.

First, it’s important to analyze the situation with a logical eye: how much time has passed?

Maybe your loved one is busy, sick, or going through tough times.

So, just because he/she doesn’t respond to a text doesn’t mean you should panic.

Besides, an hour is not enough time to say that your loved one is angry at you or is trying to hurt you.

It’s the repetition that counts: how many texts have you sent?

How many times did this person respond?

How long did it take each time?

Once you see the whole situation, you can decide to write and send a text message that will make him react.

So how do you write a message for someone who is ignoring you?

What You Will Get Here :)

A message for someone who ignores you: the romantic partner

What’s the worst?

You are in love with a man and he is completely part of your life.

Then all of a sudden he starts ignoring your messages and calls.

How to get their attention on social media or on the phone?

You don’t know why his behavior has changed or why he’s distancing himself even though everything seems to be going well between you.

Before you think he’s cheating on you, that he doesn’t love you anymore, or that something bad is happening, take a deep breath and send him a heartfelt text message.

A message for someone who is ignoring you should definitely not be aggressive or blaming.

So, you have to leave emotions aside and try to be rational and calm.

Choose your message for someone who ignores you:

1. I love you from the bottom of my heart and I don’t really understand why you distanced yourself. I hope you’re well ! Whenever you need to talk, I’m here for you!

2. The fact that you ignore me hurts me deeply, because I don’t know what I did to deserve this. I really care about you and I hope we can find a way to get past our problem!

3. The radio silence you are putting me through perplexes me and worries me. Why do you prefer to endanger our relationship rather than talk?

4. Honestly, I can’t continue to stand your silence. You’ve been ignoring me for several days and trying to get your attention. Unfortunately, I hit a wall. So, I’m going to distance myself. When you’re ready to open up again, let me know!

5. I thought our relationship was stronger than anything. I understand that you need space and time, but instead of ignoring me, you can also clearly explain to me what’s going on.

6. You opted for radio silence and I will respect that. Indeed, I’m not going to bother you, but I’m still going to tell you what I feel: you disrespect me and your behavior proves that you don’t really love me.

7. Our current situation makes me sad, because I can see that something is bothering you. What’s going on my heart? You know you can trust me and that I can hear everything!

8. I respect you too much to force you to change or communicate if you don’t want to. However, I have to tell you that the fact that you ignore me hurts me a lot and I don’t know if our romantic relationship will survive this period.

9. If you don’t want to talk to me, I accept that, but you still need to tell me why we are in this situation. I deserve your respect and sincerity!

10. I sincerely would like you to help me understand why you are ignoring me. I spent a lot of time analyzing our relationship and I don’t see how we got here!

11. We have been distancing ourselves for some time and you are particularly cold towards me. I want you to know that I am still as in love with you as before! So I hope that we will find a solution to the challenge we are facing.

12. Know that my feelings are as deep and sincere as ever. Still, I don’t think I can continue to put up with your ignorance. Why are you acting like this?

A message for someone who ignores you: darling

Women love to talk and share their feelings, so if your sweetheart stays silent, it’s not a good sign.

Indeed, it is known that women are the ones who initiate the resolution of conflicts.

Furthermore, if a woman practices radio silence, it is because she gave a lot of clues to her partner and he did not react.

He chose to ignore her cries for help, so she no longer sees a reason to fight .

When a woman reaches this point, it is rare for the romantic relationship to resist tension.

Indeed, she has probably already thrown in the towel, so your text message can make a difference if you are careful.

Choose the text message that best suits your situation:

13. My love, your silence finally makes me realize that I made a mistake. I should have reacted before and I hope it’s not too late for us?! Break the distance that has come between us and help me become a better man.

14. Let me know what I need to do to save our relationship and to prove to you that I love you more than anything. You are the woman of my life and I don’t want to lose you. Your silence made me realize how strong my feelings are…

15. Even if you ignore me and choose not to respond to my messages, it’s important to me that you know that I care about you and that I will fight for us.

16. My darling, you haven’t answered me for days. I don’t understand what I did to deserve this behavior, but if you explain it to me, I promise to apologize and find a solution to what’s bothering you.

17. I have been waiting for a long time for you to respond to me, which surely means that you are writing me a long and deep response!

18. I honestly don’t know what to say about your silence, but I want you to know that I’m here for you! Whatever happens, I am your rock and your greatest ally.

19. Sweetheart, I understand that you need time to think and decide what you want. But I don’t think ignoring me is the solution. I love you more than anything and you know you can count on me!

20. I want you to know that I don’t like you ignoring me at all. Don’t push me away like that because it hurts me deeply. If you don’t tell me what I did wrong, I can’t improve our situation.

21. Even if you choose to ignore me, know that I will fight for our romantic relationship. Indeed, I believe that our love is stronger than anything! If you give me the chance, I will prove to you that I am the perfect man for you.

22. My darling, I want to respect your need for space, but I want you to know that you can talk to me about anything you want. I’m the only person who has your best interests in mind, so lean on me.

23. My darling, you know that you can talk to me about anything and that I will welcome you with open arms. I understand that you are going through a really difficult time, but this will make us even stronger.

24. My feelings for you are still strong, even if you continue to ignore me! I know our love will weather any storm, but please reach out to me, tell me what’s on your mind.

A text message for an ex who ignores you

When you break up with someone, you need space and time for yourself!

But once you’ve processed everything that happened, healed your emotional wounds, and are ready to get some answers, you can contact your ex again.

One thing should be clear: this does not mean that he wants to talk to you, that he will tell you the truth or that he will not reactivate your wounds.

So, before contacting him, make sure you are clear about your goals and what you want to achieve.

A message for someone who ignores you in this kind of context should not contain any innuendo.

You have to find a way to attract attention on social networks or simply on the phone.

Get straight to the point and ask the question you want to ask to force the other person to answer you.

Choose your SMS for your ex who ignores you:

25. Since we broke up, you have been ignoring me and refusing to answer my calls. In order to heal my wounds, I need to understand why you chose to leave me. So please answer me!

26. Now that my heart is healed, I have decided to break the silence and get in touch with you. I can’t take away the pain I caused you, but I can apologize for the way I spoke to you. Sorry for everything, I hope you managed to get over it…

27. I’m not in love with you anymore, but I still love you… I break the silence between us to tell you that I don’t blame you and that I have picked up the pieces of my heart that were scattered. I wish you all the happiness in the world, good luck!

28. After everything we’ve been through since our separation, I wanted to tell you that my feelings for you haven’t disappeared. Even if you don’t love me anymore, even if I have to accept your decision, I wanted you to know that you are still the best person I know.

29. One day you experience perfect love then the next day you experience a real nightmare. Thank you for everything we experienced together, thank you for all the lessons… However, I have to tell you that your behavior was passive aggressive and disrespectful.

30. The truth is that I will love you for the rest of my life… Even if our relationship wasn’t strong enough to face life’s simple challenges, I don’t regret everything we went through together . Adios!

31. They say that ignoring speaks louder than words… This is true if your goal is to hurt someone who loves you. Now I see that you never respected me and that your love was a lie.

32. Your ignoring me creates a silent pain that I can’t escape. If you loved me, you owe me an explanation. Without it, I cannot heal my emotional wounds and I cannot move forward.

33. By ignoring me, you prove that you never cherished my presence in your life. Please stop letting your ego take over and explain to me what’s really behind our separation.

34. I just realized that our relationship was cursed from the start. We were never meant for each other, but that didn’t give you permission to hurt me or lie to me.

35. Every time I think about you, I want to vomit… It reminds me of all the trauma I experienced because of you! It reminds me that I’m better off without you and that I can find true love. Farewell and good luck!

36. I can’t stop thinking about everything you put me through in the name of love! Instead of loving me, protecting me and supporting me, you did everything to destroy me. Your silence since our separation is the only thing that gives me hope of healing my broken heart.

A text for a friend who ignores you

Men don’t know it, but female friendships can be sources of intense drama.

Between women, there is often jealousy, competition and arguments whose origins we do not always understand.

So, you may have been best friends for years, but a romantic relationship or disrespectful behavior can shatter everything.

In this case, one of the friends can opt for radio silence rather than arguing!

However, when things are not clarified, it is difficult to save the relationship or even move forward.

So, if you find yourself in such a situation, you want to understand what’s going on.

So choose your message for someone who ignores you:

37. Our friendship lasted four years and you chose to hurt me by spreading rumors about me. Since then, you have ignored me and refused to answer my calls. Please explain to me why you betrayed me and why you did this?

38. I am so hurt and shocked by your behavior. I don’t understand what I did to deserve such an ungrateful and selfish friend like you.

39. I’m disappointed that our friendship ended like this. I still love you, but I need you to break your silence and give me the information I need to move forward.

40. I don’t know if I could ever trust a friend again. I gave you everything and did everything to help you, but you chose to be a traitor and plunge a knife into my back. The worst part of all this is that you never told me why?

41. I never imagined that a friend like you could turn her back on me. What have I done to make you hate me so much?

42. When I was little, I dreamed of having a friend like you… Then, I discovered that the ideal person did not exist. You lie, manipulate and pressure me into becoming your copy. I am a special individual and I do not deserve the way you treat me.

43. How long will you ignore me? We need to talk and resolve this problem otherwise our friendship will end in tears and screaming.

44. If you continue to ignore me, we will never resolve the misunderstanding born between us. Besides, I don’t even understand where the misunderstanding comes from. Why are you hurt?

45. My phone rings and I imagine your first name appearing… But no! You live your life without me and you don’t tell me why you don’t want to be friends with me anymore.

46. ​​Are we going to throw years of perfect friendship down the toilet because of a small argument that can be resolved easily if we talk to each other?

47. Even though you have chosen to no longer be my friend, know that I still love you and that you have a special place in my heart. If you want to contact me, I will always respond!

48. I am sincerely sorry for hurting you, it was not my intention. I hope you can forgive me. I understand you need time to think, but please keep me posted!

A text message for a family member who ignores you

Unfortunately, you don’t choose your family!

If you were lucky enough to grow up in a healthy environment, you have the opportunity to develop strong bonds and you know that you can count on your family.

On the other hand, if you grew up in a toxic environment, sometimes the only solution is to break unhealthy ties.

For your mental health, for your well-being and for your future, you must find another family (friends, in-laws) who will take care of you.

There’s nothing wrong with saying ‘stop’ to a relationship that isn’t doing you any good.

But if you don’t understand why a member of your family chose to distance themselves from you, your hurt grows.

However, a message for someone who is ignoring you in this situation is an opportunity to set things straight.

SMS for a member of your family:

49. One day I woke up and found out that you were telling our entire family that I was a toxic person. Now you refuse to talk to me. What is going on ? Why are you acting like this?

50. I know we had our differences, but I didn’t think you hated me that much. Now I understand why you argue with everyone, then leave them in radio silence.

51. You are a person I admired a lot and my intention was not to hurt you. I made a mistake and I’m sorry. Please call me and let me know.

52. Stop ignoring me, you have some explaining to do! I’m not going to accept your behavior and give in. Call me or I’ll come find the answers myself…

53. Within a family there is always tension because we are all different. However, I believed that we respected each other enough to be honest and to show affection.

54. I always knew you were jealous of me, but your behavior is real low. Not only do you criticize me and manipulate our family, but you ignore me and turn a deaf ear.

55. One day I know you will wake up and regret ruining our relationship. So please call me so we can put this whole thing behind us.

56. I don’t want to blame myself for years and regret what I did. So please forgive me. Stop ignoring me and give me a chance to explain!

57. As a family, we should stick together! But you do everything to cause drama and arguments. I don’t know what to do anymore to force you to talk to me…

58. You have refused to talk to me for months! I don’t understand what made you make this decision, but I need you to explain. I’m lost !

59. A family is supposed to be a source of comfort and security. With you, I always feel on edge, like I’m stuck on barbed wire. Stop being so toxic and talk to me. I’m sure we can find common ground!

60. Without family, we are nothing! But since you left my life, I feel free and I feel like I can be who I am! Thank you for leaving and above all, thank you for ignoring me all this time…

A text to end a relationship

Everyone has their limits, so when someone ignores you for a long time, you need to put a stop to the relationship.

Whether it’s a romantic partner, a friend, or a family member, you can’t force people to love and respect you.

So, all you have to do is send a message to someone who is ignoring you stating that you are fed up with their little games.

Your patience has limits, but more importantly, you have respect for yourself, so you should not let one person destroy your life.

Take charge and make it clear that the relationship is not worth saving.

There is nothing wrong with saying that you have failed in developing this bond if you have put in enough effort.

Choose your message for someone who ignores you:

61. I have done everything to try to save our relationship, but you continue to ignore me. So, with this message, I end our bond once and for all. Forget me !

62. Unfortunately, it is clear that there is nothing I can do to make you listen to reason. So, I give up and wish you good luck. Please don’t contact me (I’ve given you enough opportunities to do so in the past).

63. Our relationship is over once and for all! I’m tired of excusing your behavior and justifying your toxicity.

64. You’ve been ignoring me for so long that I’ve had enough of these games… Thank you for everything we shared together, but I’m drawing a definitive line on any future reconciliation.

65. After all the efforts I have made for you and our relationship, I have finally decided that you are not worth it. From now on, we go our separate ways and you can continue to ignore me in complete peace!

66. A person like you doesn’t deserve even a second of my time. But I have enough respect for myself to set things straight, unlike you. I’m ending this relationship and taking back my freedom!

67. After all the beautiful years we had together, you chose to ignore me without offering me an explanation. Now I don’t even want to know why you acted like that, I just want to be done with you. So good bye !

68. I’m sorry it’s come to this point, but I can’t stand your behavior anymore. The silent treatment is a child’s game that I refuse to play. Good luck to you, I hope karma visits you!

69. I honestly thought you would be a part of my life until the end. Unfortunately, we can’t find common ground, so it’s time we move on separately. Don’t try to contact me now that the die is cast.

70. How long did you spend ignoring me? Well, now I decide in one click to say goodbye to you forever! Nothing you can say is going to change my mind, because I have come to understand that you are a toxic person.

71. I’m not going to beat around the bush: I’m sounding the end of our relationship. You made me suffer too much with your behavior and radio silence. You don’t deserve a second chance!

72. Who are you to behave like this with me? I’m not going to lower myself to your level, so I’ll tell you one thing: I never want to hear from you again!

About Author

Hi I am Milon, obsessed with Spirituality and write articles about Spiritual meaning, Dream Meaning, life way, and many more. I mostly publish article's on information and meaning of things from bible and more.

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